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Glutamine (4TMS)


Replica Mass Spectra of Glutamine (4TMS)

replicalib entry datedetectionmethodspecies
101 December 2003 MS-QuadM[2]Standard
903 November 2010  Schomburg_GC_2010 
201 December 2003 MS-QuadM[2]Standard
322 February 2005 MS-TOFM[STR] 
401 August 2001 MS-QuadM[2]Standard
522 January 2005 MS-QUADM[ROE] 
611 September 2005  M[FAME4090]Standard
722 February 2005 MS-TOFM[STR] 
8 spectrum(a)
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Spectrum Details

analyteGlutamine (4TMS)
analyte InChI
analyte mass434.87
authorsErban A, Strehmel N, Kopka J, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Department of Molecular Plant Physiology (Prof. Willmitzer L), Am Muehlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany
lib entry date16 April 2010
metabolite role 
retention time (sec)982.14
retention index (VAR5 method, n-alkanes C10–C36)1,720.58 (observed)
base peak (m/z)73
maximal intensity138,052
mass-intensity-peaks cardinality312 intensities
minimal m/z45
maximal m/z998
download JCAMP DXSpectrumJcampDx.ashx?id=40d56569-0fe3-445b-9850-916ad46cedaf
download MSPSpectrumMsp.ashx?id=40d56569-0fe3-445b-9850-916ad46cedaf


citationKopka J, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Department of Molecular Plant Physiology (Prof. Willmitzer L), Am Muehlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany
deconvolutionChromaTOFOFFSET: "just above noise"; SMOOTHING: 20; PEAK WIDTH: 6; S/N: 2
derivatizationMEOX; TMSMETHOXYAMINATION: 90min at 30°C; TRIMETHYLSILYLATION: 30min at 37°C
detectorMS-TOFm/z = 70-600; scans:20/s; Pegasus III TOF mass spectrometer
extractionwater:chloroform (2:1; v/v) 15min at 70°C
gas chromatographAgilent GC 6890 
ion sourceEI70eV
mass spectrometry instrumentPegasus III TOF mass spectrometer 
metabolic inactivationshock-frozen in liquid nitrogen 
RIALKANEC10, C12, C15, C18, C19, C22, C28, C32, C36
separationGCCOLUMN:5%phenyl-95%dimethylpolysiloxane, 30+10m, ID:0.25mm, DF:0.25µm, 5PDM VF-5ms (Varian, Darmstadt, Germany); PROGRAM:iso1min 70°C, ramp 9°C/min, iso 5min 350°C; FLOW:Helium, 0.6mL/min; INJECTION:1µL, splitless, 230°C; TRANSFER:250°C; IONSOURCE:250°C
extractionwater chloroform(2:1; v/v) 15min at 70°C
derivatizationderivatisationMETHOXYAMINATION, 90min at 30°C
derivatizationderivatisationTRIMETHYLSILYLATION, 30min at 37°C
separationIon source temperature250°C
separationColumn length30+10m (analytical column + guard column)
separationColumn inner diameter0.25mm
separationTemperature programisotherm 1min 70°C, ramp 9°C/min, isotherm 5min 350°C
ion sourceelectron ionization70eV
detectorLECO instrument modelPegasus III TOF mass spectrometer
detectorhighest observed m/zm/z = 600
detectorlowest observed m/zm/z = 70
detectorsampling frequency20 scans/s
detectormass analyzer typeMS-TOF
deconvolutionmoving average smoothing20
deconvolutionsignal-to-noise ratio2
RIRetention indexdecane
RIRetention indexdodecane
RIRetention indexpentadecane
RIRetention indexoctadecane
RIRetention indexnonadecane
RIRetention indexdocosane
RIRetention indexoctacosane
RIRetention indexdotriacontane
RIRetention indexhexatriacontane
ChromatographyChromatographyAgilent GC 6890

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