download the GMD mass spectrum reference Libraries

We permit the download of the GMD mass spectral reference library under these terms and conditions. Various electronic file formats listed below are supported. The differently formatted libraries are constituted by base peak normalised consensus spectra of single analytes and contain masses in the range 70 to 600 amu, while the ubiquitous mass fragments typically generated from compounds carrying a trimethylsilyl-moiety, namely the fragments at m/z 73, 74, 75, 147, 148, and 149, were excluded. Please use the column headers to sort the table according to the given attributes.

File NameDateColumn VariantRI VariantFile TypeByte
GMD_20111121_MDN35_ALK_JCAMP.txt 2011-11-21MDN35ALK JCAMP 4,937,676
GMD_20111121_MDN35_ALK_MSL.txt 2011-11-21MDN35ALK MSL 8,133,509
GMD_20111121_MDN35_ALK_MSP.txt 2011-11-21MDN35ALK MSP 5,533,444
GMD_20111121_MDN35_ALK_TFLIB.txt 2011-11-21MDN35ALK TFLIB 2,984,188
GMD_20111121_MDN35_ALK_TFTARGET.txt 2011-11-21MDN35ALK TFTARGET 3,062,532
GMD_20111121_MDN35_ALK_TFTRANS.txt 2011-11-21MDN35ALK TFTRANS 219,130
GMD_20111121_MDN35_FAME_JCAMP.txt 2011-11-21MDN35FAME JCAMP 4,937,676
GMD_20111121_MDN35_FAME_MSL.txt 2011-11-21MDN35FAME MSL 8,166,567
GMD_20111121_MDN35_FAME_MSP.txt 2011-11-21MDN35FAME MSP 5,566,502
GMD_20111121_MDN35_FAME_TFLIB.txt 2011-11-21MDN35FAME TFLIB 3,016,444
28 file(s) in total.

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Please read carefully the terms and conditions before proceeding to download. By continuing this download, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions!
In particular, without written consent by the GMD, no part of the GMD - in its original or in any way processed or reformatted form - may be re-distributed in any way.

Description of the attributes

Excel Spectrum Viewer

Excel Spectrum Viewer SpecView 1.0 is an Microsoft Excel™ plugin developed by Jan Hummel and Jan Lisec (Bioinformatics group at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam, Germany). SpecView intends to facilitate the presentation of deconvoluted GC-MS Spectra in Microsoft Excel™. Selected MS-Spectra (format: '87:100 103:78') will be normalized prior to drawing. The Grid can be specified in text boxes! Activating one or several (up to 3) cells containing such mass-intensity pair strings will open a drawing window containing the respective mass spectra. The Module is based on a framework developed by Andy Pope. http://www.andypope.info/vba/userformdraw.htm. You can import the certificate in order to avoid the security warning in Excel. Enjoy...

service last updated 03/03/2025 © 2008-2014 Golm Metabolome Database - All rights reserved