Time | Name | Value | Duration | Unit |
initiation | Salt | 0 | | mol/l |
initiation | Type | Agar | | |
initiation | Type | Seeds were germinated on agar plates with half-strength BD solution plus 2 mM KNO3 and 2 mM NH4NO3. | | |
initiation | Container | Petri dish | | |
04d | Container | Pot | | |
04d | Container | Pot size: 10 cm | | |
04d | Watering | Plants were watered with half-strength BD solution plus 2 mM KNO3 and 2 mM NH4NO3. | | |
04d | Type | Potting soil | | |
04d | Type | Soil type: Einheit (Type 0) | | |
04d | Temperature | 23 | | °C |
04d | Temperature | 23+/-2°C | | |
04d | RelativeHumidity | 60 | | % |
04d | RelativeHumidity | 55-65% RH | | |
04d | Total Light | on | 16:00:00 | |
04d | Total Light | off | 08:00:00 | |
08d | Salt | 50 | | mol/l |
12d | Salt | 100 | | mol/l |
16d | Salt | 150 | | mol/l |
18 experimental conditions(s) |