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Spermine (5TMS) MP


Replica Mass Spectra of Spermine (5TMS) MP

replicalib entry datedetectionmethodspecies
219 July 2007 MS-TOFVAR5Reference Substance
315 March 2005 MS-TOFM[6]Reference Substance
419 July 2007 MS-TOFMDN35Reference Substance
501 April 2002 MS-QuadM[2]Standard
619 January 2005 MS-QUADM[ROE] 
715 March 2005 MS-TOFM[6]Reference Substance
1428 August 2012  MassBank GC 2010 Kusano 
826 November 2004  M[FAME4090]Standard
915 March 2005 MS-TOFM[6]Reference Substance
1019 July 2007 MS-TOFVAR5Reference Substance
13 spectrum(a)
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Spectrum Details

analyteSpermine (5TMS) MP
analyte InChI
analyte mass563.25
authorsBoelling C, Liebig F, Erban A, Kopka J, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Department of Molecular Plant Physiology (Prof. Willmitzer L), Am Muehlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany
lib entry date19 July 2007
metabolite roleMETB
retention time (sec)874.69
retention index (VAR5 method, n-alkanes C10–C36) 
base peak (m/z)73
maximal intensity4,060
mass-intensity-peaks cardinality103 intensities
minimal m/z45
maximal m/z765
download JCAMP DXSpectrumJcampDx.ashx?id=2b42d551-bfd4-42b5-ad6b-17e33a0119f9
download MSPSpectrumMsp.ashx?id=2b42d551-bfd4-42b5-ad6b-17e33a0119f9


citationKopka J, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Department of Molecular Plant Physiology (Prof. Willmitzer L), Am Muehlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany
deconvolutionChromaTOFBASELINE OFFSET: 1; SMOOTHING: 5; PEAK WIDTH: 3s; S/N: 10
derivatizationMEOX; MSTFAMETHOXYAMINATION: 120min at 37°C; TRIMETHYLSILYLATION: 30min at 37°C
detectorMS-TOFm/z = 70-600; scans:20/s;
extractionchloroform:dH2O (2:1; v/v); chloroform (20°C); dH2O (4°C)
ion sourceEI70eV
RIFAME, d6-CholesteroleFAME: C8, C9, C10, C12, C14, C16, C18, C20, C22, C24, C26, C28, C30
separationGCCOLUMN:35%phenyl-65%dimethylpolysiloxane, 30m, ID:0.32mm, DF:0.25µm, MDN-35 (Macherey-Nagel, Düren, Germany); PROGRAM:iso 2min 80°C, ramp 15°C/min, iso 6min 330°C; FLOW:Helium, 2mL/min; INJECTION:1µL, splitless, 230°C; TRANSFER:250°C; IONSOURCE:250°C

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